Privileged Access Management for MSPs

Just-in-Time Account Creation

Create accounts and passwords on-demand when technicians need them, so you can keep access to sensitive information as limited as possible.

Key Features

On Demand Account Creation

Empower technicians to create new, temporary accounts on demand to give users access to what they need for a specific period of time.

Zero Standing Privilege

Minimize the risk of security breaches, stolen credentials, and privilege abuse by only activating privileged accounts when they are being used.

Safeguard Access

Increase your MSP’s security by limiting the number of people who have access to sensitive information at all times.

Compliance & Cyber Insurance

Make it easier to stay in compliance and adhere to cyber insurance requirements by minimizing the number of users who have ongoing access to privileged information and systems.

Get a Customized Demo

Learn how CyberQP can increase your MSP’s security.